Turtle Pottery

The Best Christmas Gift Ever

by on Jul.01, 2008, under pottery

So for Christmas my parents and my husband went in together and got me all the elements to set up my own humble studio.


For those interested in the equipment side of things, I got a Pacifica Model GT400 Wheel 1/2HP and a L&L Kiln e23S Easy Fire electric kiln.We ordered them from Bigceramicstore.com as a package. I have been very happy with the wheel so far. I am still getting used to it.

I used this same wheel at Bridgman Pottery, but this one feels a little different – maybe because it’s brand new and hasn’t been broken in yet. The kiln is still sitting in my garage partially unpacked.  I had to have the garage wired for electrical service first.  Now that is done, so the kiln assembly will happen very soon.  Stay tuned…

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